Saturday, May 13, 2006

Green Lantern #124

Green Lantern #124

Rating: **½

Denny O’Neil phones in this issue. There’s not much characterization and the plot is simplistic and, at times, ridiculous. Sinestro attacks a museum celebrating humanity's space exploration. Hal saves the people, but Sinestro escapes. Proclaiming that he will follow Sinestro to Korugar, Green Arrow gets fed up on being left out of the space adventures. Hal meets up with Katma Tui (Sinestro’s GL replacement on Korugar) who informs Hal that Sinestro’s father operates a Null Chamber (Korugarian version of an opium den) and that Hal should look there for Sinestro. She states she is unable to help because of some Korugarian law which is never explained very well. Hal gets trapped by Sinestro impersonating his father, Katma Tui returns to help (even though I thought she couldn’t?), and Hal chases Sinestro off into the Qward universe.

This issue, while enjoyable, simply wasn’t Denny’s best (I read his and Neil Adams’ complete GL/GA run, which is classic stuff). The art by Joe Staton adds a lot of overall quality to the issue, saving if from being a complete “ugh” read.

I noticed there were a lot of house ads for DC Comics and it seemed like every title advertised was being released on October 25th. I find it very cool to see ads for 26 year old comics that I have not read yet, but will read very soon. These ads are also informative, because they let me know that although I am starting with a comic dated January 1980, it was actually on the shelves in October 1979 (when I was a wee lad of 8 years old). I knew that I would be starting with comics released before their actual cover dates, but this helped lock in a more definitive time.

There was also an ad in for the Green Lantern issue just BEFORE this one. It was still being advertised, because it highlighted how Green Arrow was being removed from the comic. Remember, when the Big Two used to support their comics with house ads? Do they even do that anymore?

GL odds-n-ends: Per formula, in this issue Hal takes the GL oath, the yellow “impurity” weakness is explained, and there is tension between Hal and Carol Ferris.

There were a few cool parts to the comic. Tom (forget his last name) – Hal’s sometimes non-powered sidekick – told Hal not to call him “Pieface.” Denny was riding the comic of a bit of racism. When Hal met Katma Tui, their rings “embraced” by forming some weird image, in what was called a “Moment of Silent Recognition.” I thought that was cool. Also, at the end, Hal kissed Katma on the cheek and she responds by saying it has no effect on her, because she is not female in the way that human women are. Isn’t Katma an item with Jon Stewart? I guess in the post-COIE DCU, she has plenty of estrogen flowing through her hot, red bod.

I wonder how Infinite Crises has affected her sex drive?


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